Blind and visually impaired people
Close your eyes for a moment and try to type a message on the touch keyboard on your smartphone. It takes forever. We want to change that. help2type enables blind and visually impaired people to type on their smartphone using the specially developed keyboard. The clicking sound of the keyboard is like music to the ears. Pressing the "Send" button smells like freedom. Treat yourself to access the digital world.

People with poorly conducting fingertips
Older people know it well, the smooth screen on the smartphone ignores the fingertips. Because of the dry skin, typing messages is no pleasure. help2type also solves this problem and has developed a keyboard especially for this purpose.
The hiking club, the cooking class and your relatives organize themselves via the smartphone. Exactly in these situations, help2type helps you. The tactile keys offer orientation. The keys accept your finger, even if your skin is dry or the small letters are a bit blurred.
You too can be a part of it and share yourself with others.

Did you used to have a telephone with buttons so that you could communicate decisions efficiently? You wrote longer texts in no time at all. Unfortunately, the stylish smartphones no longer have a physical keyboard. Writing is a pain. The result is many typing errors. With the keyboard from help2type you have both: a physical keyboard and the option of using a stylish smartphone with a large screen.
Do you want to be successful? Get the keyboard from help2type. Share yourself efficiently.

Access for all
We believe that you can connect better in the digital world thanks to help2type.
What is help2type?
Help2type is the first compact, haptic keyboard for smartphones. It can be connected to the smartphone with BlueTooth. It is flexibly attached to the smartphone with a watchband system and magnets. The keyboard can be folded onto the screen or simply stowed under the device. It is a keyboard modeled after the laptop. Countless other symbols and special characters can be easily typed via the function and command keys.
The familiar qwertz layout is printed on it. However, the software adapts to the selected language of the smartphone. The integrated software is optimized for 7 languages. For example, the qwerty or French azerty layout can be used.
The keyboard is compatible with Apple and Android devices.
The history of help2type
Inspiring stories often start with an idea. It was no different with help2type.
In this image video, Marcel, founder of help2type, gives you an insight into the history of his company and shares his experiences from idea generation to realisation and marketing.
Discover the hurdles he had to overcome to realise his idea and let his inspiring story motivate you.
Get your help2type keyboard now so that you can communicate where and when you want in the future.
- Haptic Keyboard
- Fast writing
- Secure writing
- Use all the possibilities of the digital world on your smartphone
- Being able to write business and personal messages in public
- The Swiss Invalidity Insurance (IV) recognises the keyboard from help2type in the category "1101 Navigation" as an aid. For more information, please contact us at
- Funding through a foundation: For people with a financially difficult life situation living in Switzerland, we have found a foundation that supports the financing of a help2type keyboard. For more information, please contact us at
- Being able to express yourself
- Not feeling excluded
- Belonging to the community
- Enjoying freedom
Customer reviews
The Swiss Federation of the Blind and Visually Impaired says:
"With the haptic keyboard from help2type, there is an elegant solution to write messages of all kinds safely and quickly with your smartphone." writes:
"help2type throws a really good keyboard on the market with the product of the same name, which can show its strengths especially when you want to quickly compose long messages. Especially in the bundle with my iPhone, the keyboard is really fun and you get everything to successfully master a flight over the keys every day."
Read the whole blog post here.
Therese says:
"I would recommend buying a help2type keyboard to all my friends- It is tip-top."
Go to the video here.

Swiss Innovation Challenge